Monday, February 9, 2009

February Meeting Follow Up

Many thanks to Hamden Councilman Jim Pascarella for getting us acquainted with the true gravity of the town's financial situation. Without a miracle, the proposed 3.5% increase to the education budget (one of the lowest in the state) is going to have to be trimmed. (BTW - this number does not include any change in Wintergreen funding). It's inevitable without a gigantic ( 2-3 mill) tax increase, (which will never fly) because we have a shrinking grand list, lower revenues from slowed construction and home sales and a devistated pension fund, not to mention contractual, energy and healthcare increases.

His best advice: contact your state representatives and the Governor and ask them to not cut educational funding, special grants or PILOT reimbursements. We can probably hold the line on local spending, but not if our state funding for the school system or PILOT is reduced.

The fate of Wintergreen is still undecided. There are many options on the table and Supt. Rabinowitz is negotiating with all pertinent parties to find the best solution.

Our 4th Annual Summer Camp Fair is scheduled for Saturday, April 4. It's being organized by our VP Mary Clough and will be our largest to date. We'll be setting up in the Middle School Gym and Atrium. There will be at least 40 camps, day and overnight, for K-12. We'll need help to set up, manage and take down this event, so please let us know when you can pitch in.

Perhaps I'll see you around town at one of the following events this week:

Hamden Board of Ed Meeting
Tuesday, Feb 10, 7 PM
60 Putnam Street
Items of interest:
Superintendent’s Report on
1. Governor’s Budget
2. CMT/CAPT Assessment
3. Introduction of Interim Finance Director


"What's Brewing?" with State Representative Elizabeth Esty
Thursday, February 12
10am to noon, at the Giant View Café
3584 Whitney Ave., Hamden
(103rd District / Mt. Carmel / West Woods)

“What’s Brewing?” is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and concerns with Elizabeth, ask her questions and get help. Elizabeth is particularly eager to hear your ideas about how to close Connecticut's budget gap and restart our economy.

Contact: Rep. Elizabeth Esty, 103rd District
Room 4037, LOB, Hartford, CT 06106-1591
800-842-8267 -- Office (Toll Free)
203-699-9621 – Home


CT PTA Hot Topics Training - Nuts & Bolts of Educational Funding
Thursday, February 12, 7 PM
With CT Appleseed at Hamden High School
Snacks & babysitting provided
Free and open to the public

Thanks for all you do,

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