Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Getting on the Same Page with Student Expectations

I went to my children's open house where I received a pamphlet for each of their grades (1st & 4th). They outlined all of the subjects to be covered in each curriculum and the expectations of what the students would learn. It was as if my request instantly manifested the material. (That happens to me alot.)

If you haven't yet received these pamphlets, please follow up with your school administrator, or the HPS Central Office (407-2000/

I feel that Dr. Bonner and her staff did an excellent job on these pamphlets and they satisfied my general curiosity. However, they don't address the specifics of each classroom.

Rather than a school or district-wide handbooks, wouldn't it be great if teachers could send home a flyer per semester, outlining what's coming up, like a syllabus? Some teachers already do this, but it should be mandatory. In fact, they probably have it all typed up but just need to share it.

Last year my daughter's kindergarten teacher (thank you Mrs. Whalen) sent home a monthly flyer outlining what they were working on and special events and requests. Not only could I plan my time for her school work/visits, I could begin teaching her how to plan her time to get the assignments done on time as well.

The agendas that kids first get in third grade are somewhat helpful in keeping on top of homework, but you need to rely on the child to take good notes about what the assignments are and when they're due. It's a skill the kids need to learn, but a little backup would be nice, even at the high school level.

It all comes back to communication, this time between parent and teacher. A simple outline, with perhaps a brief description of a teacher's philosophy and/or methodology, would go a long way to helping parents to help their children succeed.

BTW - Information about an individual school's staff, procedures and policies, should be included in a school handbook and student directory, which is typically produced by the school PTA. The school calendar has district wide contact and policy information. Both should be available from your school secretary.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Celebrate Hamden Family Day


The Town of Hamden Celebrates Family Day - A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children

Mayor Craig B. Henrici has issued a proclamation designating the fourth Monday in September, September 24, 2007 as Family Day- A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children.

Family Day is a national movement that encourages parents to frequently eat dinner with their kids and be actively involved in their children's lives and reminds parents that what their kids really want at the dinner table is THEM!

To help put a spotlight on Family Day, The Hamden Community Services Department and Hamden Youth Services Bureau is presenting An Evening of Food, Art & Fun on Monday, September 24, 2007 in The Keefe Community Center gym, 5:30 - 7 PM.

The evening will start with a light dinner followed by a family home décor project – the creation of decoupage plates. Instruction will be facilitated by P.L.A.C.E. Art Studios and Artist Lisa Keith.

This event is free and made possible by funding through PACK (Parents and Communities for Kids) which is supported by a partnership of the Wallace Foundation, The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven and The William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund.

As an added incentive for families to eat together the following Hamden restaurants have generously offered various discounts and specials on Monday, September 24, 2007 – just mention “Family Day”:
Applebee's - 2400 Dixwell Avenue, 10% discount
Eli's Brick Oven Pizza -2402 Whitney Avenue and Eli's on Whitney- 50% discount and free soda and ice cream for children under twelve
Paul and Eddy's – 1630 Whitney Avenue, 10% discount
Sorrento's – 244 Skiff Street, 20%discount
The Playwright – 1232 Whitney Avenue, 15% discount
Three Brothers Diner – 1030 Dixwell Avenue, 10% discount
The more often children and teens eat dinner with their families the less likely they are to smoke, drink or use drugs. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University created Family Day - A Day to Eat Dinner with your Children in 2001.

Family Day is celebrated on the fourth Monday of September. The Town of Hamden encourages all residents to celebrate Family Day by eating dinner together with your family on Monday, September 24, 2007 and every day.

Participate in the PACK event at The Keefe Community Center, eat dinner at one of the participating Hamden restaurants that are offering discounts or specials or enjoy a home cooked meal together as a family. More importantly, talk with your kids. During dinner, turn off the TV and let your answering machine record incoming calls. Involve the entire family in planning and cooking meals. If your schedules make it impossible to eat dinner together, try having breakfast together.

For additional information about Family Day and the current research and statistics on frequent family dinners together, please visit or call the Hamden Youth Services Bureau at 777-2610.

Hamden Youth Services Bureau 11 Pine Street Hamden, CT 06514
(203) 777-2610 Fax (203) 562-3498
CONTACT: Susan Rubino

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Off and Running

A few weeks back the Hamden Board of Education invited everyone to come meet their top choice for Superintendent of Hamden Public Schools, Fran Rabinowitz. Wow. She is such a warm and articulate lady, a true professional who, as requested to be written in her contract, will be reviewed by all of her staff. Transparency and full communication are words that will mark her tenure as superintendent.

Another thing we can expect from Fran is results; she also requested that there be a $10,000 bonus paid only if there is "longitudinal growth." That is, if our kids are improving, then she gets a prize. I like the carrot approach much better than the stick.

She had such an impact on me, that before I knew it, I had volunteered to be the new Hamden PTA Council President. I see this as an incredible opportunity to use my skills, connections and passion about the education of our children to their full potential, since there is such a willing listener in the Central Office.

Some goals I have for the PTA Council to achieve in the next year:

1. Create a district-wide PTA Web network. Fortunately for us, the Hamden Public School system has recently renovated their web site and made a place for each school PTA. The logistics of who has access and how things are posted is still in the process. This is a HUGE step in opening up communication with parents and community, and will be further enhanced when PTAs and HPS will be able to send newsletters and notices via email.

2. Increase volunteer-ism (not necessarily PTA membership) by 10%. It's a widely accepted fact that when a child's parents are involved with school activities, the child does better in school. On top of that, parents can lead by example the importance of giving time to worthy causes. I'm encouraging PTAs to break down program and event responsibilities into smaller tasks and blocks of time to make volunteering more feasible.

3. Empower all parents, but especially PTA executive officers, to express their opinions by writing letters to the editor. I've already distributed tips and contacts to promote their events and good deeds through press releases. I have asked the Board of Education / Superintendent's office for a bit more autonomy for school administrators in approving said press releases, and have been assured that it will be forthcoming.

4. I'd like to see the town recycling program extended to the school system. Not only is it the environmentally responsible thing to do, but the garbage tipping fees are significantly reduced.

It was a shock to me last year when I learned that schools didn't even recycle white paper! That was remedied with one call to the Mayor's office and we now have paper and cardboard picked up at the schools. I have spoken to Mark Albanese, Facilities Director for HPS, about including glass and plastic into the program. He said we have to negotiate separated trash pick up into the contract of Hamden's sanitation contractor. Adam Sendroff of the BOE Operations Committee was in total agreement and has put the recycling issue on the agenda for the next Operations meeting. I spoke to the Mayor via email and he also was in agreement. So I guess we just have to get the contract amended. I doubt we'll see the recycling program expanded this year, but I think I've set some wheels in motion.

5. I'd like to see the music departments get the instruments they need. The BOE, Superintendent Rabinowitz and the Hamden Education Foundation (a private group that funds Hamden public schools) are all aware of this shortcoming in our music programs. I intend to have the Council hook up with the parent group that has formed around the musicians at the Hamden High School, to perhaps help them with an instrument donation drive or some kind of fundraiser.

At the BOE meeting last night, John Keegan of the Operations Committee brought a motion to the floor to allow advertising on the football field, to benefit the football team. The motion was approved with the caveat that this was a pilot program. That's all well and good, but what about some of the money going to the band that plays at those games! And the cheerleaders! I think revenues raised by selling ad space should go into a general fund for that school (because you know others will follow if the BOE continues to allow it).

I hope you will join me at our next Hamden PTA Council Meeting, Thursday, October 11, 7 PM at the Hamden Middle School Cafeteria.

In the meantime, mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

September 25, Hamden Education Fund Alumni Awards Dinner,
Laurel View Gardens
For more information contact them at (203) 288-3195

October 16, Open Space Forum – 7 – 8:15 PM
Thornton Wilder Auditorium
Participation of Democratic incumbent Craig Henrici
and Republican challenger Ron Gambardella.
Sponsors include Hamden Land Conservation Trust,
League of Women Voters of Hamden, Hamden PTA Council,
Watershed Fund, Farmington Canal Rail-to-Trail Association,
Dunbar Hill Civic Association, Ray Andrewsen of radio station WQUN will moderate.
More info about Hamden Land Conservation Trust:

October 23, , BOE and Council At-Large Candidate Debate , 7 – 9 PM
Hamden High School, Rm. C107, Sponsored by League of Women Voters

Please feel free to contact me with any of your concerns about the Hamden schools. The Hamden PTA Council is a resource for you, and we're here to serve.
