Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Address to Hamden Town Council & Audience

The Hamden PTA Council respectfully asks that the Town Council fully fund the Board of Ed’s budget request. We trust Superintendent Rabinowitz’s judgment implicitly and would ask the Council to do the same.

You know full well, as parents and grandparents, that education is an investment and a cornerstone of our town’s economic well-being. It is no co-incidence that Hamden is the 33rd best place in America to start a small business and our high school is ranked 32 out of 139 Connecticut public high schools. Education and economics go hand in hand and that balance must be handled with great care.

Thank you to all who have come with your PTA and family to speak truth to power. Showing your children how to be an advocate for others is one of the greatest lessons you can teach them.
However, your voice should not go silent after tonight’s hearing. The funding issues the Board of Ed and the Town are dealing with stem from the State and Federal level.

I encourage this audience and legislative body to continue to contact our state delegation. Ask them to keep their promise to send ECS funding, at or above last year’s level, which the Federal Stimulus Bill should allow them to do. Ask them to honor their commitment to Wintergreen by giving us a break on the 55% rule, which could mean a $2 million infusion to Hamden.

In addition, our Federal legislators, especially Rep. DeLauro and Sen. Dodd, will be instrumental in making dramatic changes in No Child Left Behind. They will be looking to hear from you, to guide them in crafting that legislation.

If we apply this same amount of pressure at the Federal level, when NCLB is reauthorized it will no longer be a punitive system aimed at dismantling public education, but a program that will enable all educators, students and schools to do their best work.

I have great faith in this vision; mere hours after the 2008 election the National PTA President, Jan Harp Domene, was called to meet with the Obama transition team. Change is definitely coming and PTA will be vital in making sure our elected officials keep their promises to us and our children.

On behalf of Hamden PTAs I’d like to thank the residents, parents and students, who have accepted our invitation to speak. Democracy is NOT a spectator sport and we appreciate your coming out to play.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's Working!

The Hamden Town Council is truly feeling the pressure from their constituents this year. We are sure to have a record turn out of parents and townspeople concerned that inadequate funding for the Board of Ed will force them to lay off several teachers, cut programs and maybe even close a school.

The PTA is vehemently opposed to any such measures and encourages those in agreement to speak at tonight's hearing.

You will need to arrive early to sign up to speak; signup isfrom 6 – 6:30.

For those unfamiliar with the process, the hearing will be in Council Chambers in the Town Hall, on corner of Whitney and Dixwell. The Council will hear comments but not respond. They will continue to deliberate and massage numbers until mid May.

Continue to write and call your state legislators about funding and the "55% rule"*; that’s working, too. You can find them at or call 800-842-8267.

Thank you for your efforts to be involved and involve other parents inthe process. Please keep up the good work and I’ll see you allWednesday night.


*The 55% rule governs how much money per pupil Hamden gets for students we send to Wintergreen Interdistrict Magnet School (WIMS). The State gives other districts $8000 per pupil, but Hamden only gets $3000 per pupil, because Hamden students make up more than 55% of the student body. At last count there are five different bills between the CT House and Senate that would give Hamden the additional $5000 per pupil as long as we worked to reduce our participation in the next year or two. At 400 students, that equals $2 million of funding.

S.B.464 - Sponsored by Sen. Crisco
S.B.476 & S.B. 481- Sponsored by Sen. Looney
H.B. 5047 - Sponsard by Rep. Jankowski
H.B. 5766 - Sponsored by Reps. Sharkey, Esty, Villano & Staples.
More info at

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Board of Ed April 15 Hearing

Thanks to all the PTAs for organizing and parents and teachers for partipating in the Emergency PTA meetings that have been going on the last week or so.

Your involvement is our greatest guarantee that your school and the rest of the Hamden Public School system will make it through whatever setbacks come our way.

As you have all now discussed, teacher layoffs, larger class sizes, elimination of many programs and redistricting, are just a few possible sacrifices we may be asked to make if the Town Council does not fully fund the Superintendent's recommended budget.

Here are actions we need you to take:

Stand with those that feel a strong public school system is a "must fund" investment on Wednesday, April 15 at Town Hall at 7PM, where there will be a public hearing for the Board of Ed budget.

You will need to sign up to speak between 6 and 6:30. Expect there to be a line to sign up, so get there even earlier.

The hearing starts at 7 PM. The council will not be answering back, but simply hearing comments on the Board of Ed's budget and arguments to give the BOE as much funding as possible.

Feel free to bring your children and show them what being an advocate really means. However, be aware that this event could go well past 9 PM.

If you can't go, sign the petition at or contact your local representatives You could also have your children write letters or draw pictures to send to council members.

April 15 is just the beginning of the deliberation process, so continue to be in touch with your councilperson(s) over the next several weeks. There will be other opportunities for public comment and you will be notified of those events.

In addition, please contact your state representatives. While the local government is working on their budget, the state is working on their's, which is not due until mid June. Every call or email represents several dozen more. Remember that they work for you and will vote based on what they hear from their constituents. They won't know what you think if you don't call. Find and contact your reps at

Finally, once the Board of Ed has it's allocation from the town in mid May, they will begin the process of figuring out where to spend that money. Your input in that process is greatly appreciated. All meetings of the Board of Ed are posted at They are held at 60 Putnam Avenue and, with the exception of the executive session, are open to the public to listen and comment.

If you have questions or comments about anything regarding our public schools, Superintendent Rabinowitz has an open door policy and welcomes your calls and emails. She can be reached at 407-2090 or

Thank you for your attention and participation,

Marjorie Clark
President, Hamden PTA Council (Join Your PTA's Group)